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Visits and tastings

Tempo na Sertã


Visits and tastings

Discover our world of wine. 

You are welcome to explore our vineyard and adega, to get to know all the stages of transformation from grape to bottle, and to discover our winemaking philosophy.

At the end, try a selection of our wines, including reds and a white.

Tours and tarstings are available in English, Dutch, Portuguese and German.

To book your visit, or for more information, please contact us.

The adega is open on Sundays, from March until November.

Notícias e Eventos

Consulte as nossas ofertas e eventos

28 Jun

Portugal Troféu de Vinho 2018

Os vinhos Bonjardim foram premiados com duas medalhas de ouro e uma de prata!

09 Ago

Safari Lodges - uma experiência única!

Fique hospedado na vinha Bonjardim, nos nossos Safari Lodges muito cómodos e agradáveis.

05 Ago

Vinhos Bonjardim ganham Portugal Wine Trophy 2017

Estamos entusiasmados por anunciar que os nossos vinhos Bonjardim ganharam duas medalhas de ouro no Portugal Wine Trophy 2017!